The Linkery is a restaurant focusing on serving food that is prepared the pre-industrial way. There's more to it than that. But Jay mentions that he's
wondering how best we can fit into the overall elevation of consciousness -- which you're part of the vangaurd of -- in our target role as market-based agents of change.
We're super busy right now with our move, but even so I am trying not to lose touch with what matters. And as we come out of this transition, there should be more of where that came from. Any direction or advice you would like to share would be most welcome. In other words, from your perspective, what should we be focusing on, and how in particular can I / we help?
[emphasis added]
Some of my response:
Most of my thoughts about the larger vision of sustainability are derivative of Bill Mollison's (in The Designer's Manual + what I learned from Geoff Lawton at Quail Springs + some time at Earthaven). But there's also this ongoing development of technology and humanity that he doesn't seem to concern himself with--"All the technology we need to live sustainably is already known. . . we just need to implement it."--true, but. . .
(examples of the ongoing-development angle: Theory U / Otto Scharmer, Senge; holacracy; integral philosophy/leadership; Aurobindo; John Heron(?); William McDonough)
I'll consider your question more.
In the meantime, the best suggestion that comes to mind is to help San Diegans unify and mobilize around the permaculture vision of freedom & empowerment by means of the abundance that results from good design.
Here's a local permaculturist who moved away (he's back around the holidays). & Brad Lancaster transformed his neighborhood partly by tapping storm runoff water.
I don't know how it will mesh with the vision of The Linkery. . . there will always be restaurants. . .
But at one farmers' market Barry Logan was selling bunches of mallow (the common edible weed). . . Barry: "I want to put myself out of business... I want everyone feeding themselves from what grows around them."
One World Everybody Eats
Came to mind during your presentation.